3% a year. This demand is not one to be taken lightly. SACRAMENTO, CA (April 20, 2023) – Members of SEIU Local 1000, the state’s largest public employee union representing more than 96,000 state workers, kicked off contract bargaining by calling for a 30% wage increase over three years (12% on 7/1/2023; 9% on 7/1/2024; and 9% on 7/1/2025) along with workplace and benefit protections. The last contract gave Local 1000 members a 7% pay raise. Bargaining Update July 13, 2023 - SEIU Local 1000 Bargaining Update July 13, 2023 Published on July 13, 2023 I wanted to take a minute to provide an update on where we are in our negotiations. Subtract the 13. 3 Health Benefit (Unit 3) 11. Our contract expires in 30 days, and today, State negotiators did little to prove their intent to bargain over our key issues: a 30% pay raise and 100% paid health care premiums. seiu master agreement 2020-2023 On Tuesday, February 14, 2023, SEIU Local 1000 met with the California Department of General Services (DGS) to discuss the reissue and/or update of employee policy documents without proper notice to the Union. He condemned Republicans, conservatives over guns, speech and abortion. 5% on July 1, 2020 under the union’s latest contract, while workers in about three dozen. Bargaining Update July 13, 2023 - SEIU Local 1000 Bargaining Update July 13, 2023 Published on July 13, 2023 I wanted to take a minute to provide an update on where we are in our negotiations. " 125 comments Best Add a Comment UnofficialCaStatePS • 1 yr. "We were able to reach a tentative agreement on one contract section — 24. . . Updated January 09, 2023 8:51 AM Gavin Newsom celebrated California Democrats at inauguration march. 26K subscribers in the CAStateWorkers community. According to the update from SEIU Local 1000 Bargaining Team's email sent on Friday, July 7, 2023, this is all we have. We got furloughed as the PLP2020 for a year at 9. Background: 4. 3 – Continuous Appropriations — which maintains our salaries and benefits in the case of an untimely budget. . 2 Improving Affordability and Access to Healthcare All employees represented by Local 1000 were scheduled to receive a general salary increase of 2. The employer recognizes that the Service Employees International Union, Local 1000 (SEIU), Bargaining Unit 1 contract expires on July 1, 2023, and is prepared to negotiate any and all provisions of such contract for inclusion in a successor agreement. 98% a year over the last 10 years. SEIU Local 1000 has long pushed for its members to receive significant raises but the union’s proposal marks an unprecedented ask. After 14 weeks of negotiations, your bargaining team is still working tirelessly to achieve the best possible deal. . ago by Sweetcynic36 Any news on 2023 bargaining? Just wondering. ago Yup he’s still dead set on 21% and firm that if we don’t get it, we strike. 21. Master Table Bargaining Summary: May 31, 2023. In ten years state employees have received approximately 2. Manuel Hurtado is a member of SEIU Local 1000, a union representing state employees, and lives in the East Bay. "We were able to reach a tentative agreement on one contract section — 24. The SEIU negotiations are fire (insert sarcastic tone) According to the update from SEIU Local 1000 Bargaining Team's email sent on Friday, July 7, 2023, this is all we have. 62%. ago Hi everyone. . 2020-2023: Union proposed 21% and 100% covered healthcare and negotiated 7% over 3 years and $260 stipend till June 2023. He’s toned down a bit in his videos which is good but I doubt there will be any smooth negotiations. When I left college, my ambition was modest. . Please make sure to be polite. 15 40 comments Add a Comment nimpeachable • 6 mo. We've verified this and approved it. 12% we lost and we have 0. The State Worker. This hasn’t been an easy process. This California state worker union demanded 30%. 23 Bargaining Wrap up: SEIU Local 1000 Proposes 30% General Salary Increase to State Published on April 21, 2023 Our bargaining team proposed a 30% general salary increase (GSI) and 100% paid health care coverage to the State for all our represented employees. That doesn't mean you can't be confrontational and have counter opinions to whatever this account says, but you do have to be courteous and try following Redditquite (sp?). SACRAMENTO, CA (April 20, 2023) – Members of SEIU Local 1000, the state’s largest public employee union representing more than 96,000 state workers, kicked off contract bargaining by calling for a 30% wage increase over three years (12% on 7/1/2023; 9% on 7/1/2024; and 9% on 7/1/2025) along with workplace and benefit protections. This hasn’t been an easy process. 8 4 comments Best Add a Comment thonymtc • 1 yr. Who knows how it will go or if we do get 21% what we will have to give up for it. There probably won’t be until mid to late April based on precedent and the legislative calendar. The last contract gave Local 1000 members a 7% pay raise. I knew that I wanted to do something that helped Californians, and that I wanted a steady job that would enable me to support myself and help out my family. . SEIU Local 1000 has long pushed for its members to receive significant raises but the union’s proposal marks an unprecedented ask. ago There haven’t been any bargaining sessions. SEIU Local 1000 - Contract Search Results 9. Mods here. By David Caraccio|. Bargaining Unit 20 Recap: Monday, April 17, 2023 After kicking off bargaining for our “master table” session last week, members across the state are making their voices heard as we demand a strong contract that Respects, Protects, and Pays the employees that kept California running for the last three years. State workers protest at California state Capitol to demand pay raises amid SEIU bargaining. 3 – Continuous Appropriations — which maintains our salaries and benefits in the case of. An unofficial, casual place for State of California Workers, Union Members, Prospective Employees… Bargaining Team Works to Build Member Power for 2023 Contract Negotiations Published on July 22, 2022 With contract negotiations less than a year away, building a stronger membership was the focus for the July 16-17 virtual meeting of the Statewide Bargaining Advisory Council (SBAC) 6 mo. After 14 weeks of negotiations, your bargaining team is still working tirelessly to achieve the best possible deal. 1. The Master Table bargaining team continues to press the State, and some incremental progress was made. Updated June 29, 2023, 8:14 PM. service employees international union (seiu) – local 1000 covering bargaining units 1, 3, 4, 11, 14, 15, 17, 20, and 21.