Chest . Helm . Sell Price: 11. 1. Sinful Inquisitor's Robes. Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments. Binds when picked up. View in 3D Links. Use: Collect the appearances of the Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments armor set. Chest. The set is given via Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments. Shoulders . Requires Level 50. Patch changes Patch 9. 0 (2021-06-29): Added. To unlock Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments you need renown lvl 64. Sinful Inquisitor's Hood. External links Wowhead WoWDB GameSpot Expert Reviews Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments. This item is part of the following transmog set: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments. Sinful Inquisitor's Robes. Use: Collect the appearances of the Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments armor set. Use: Collect the appearances of the Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments armor set. Venthyr Covenant Cosmetic Set. Sinful Inquisitor's Leggings. 1. A spell from World of. Quick Facts. Browse all gaming. Unique. Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments Renown Quartermaster - Court Inquisitor's Vestments Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments. View it on your character with the model viewer. Sinful Inquisitor's Robes are an appearance unlocked through the use of [Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments] . Requires level 50. Patch changes Patch 9. See a list of what transmog goes with it. Unique. A Cosmetic transmog set from Shadowlands. Renown Quartermaster - Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments This set can be purchased from Chachi the Artiste in Sinfall for 0 Reservoir Anima, once you reach Renown 64. . External links Wowhead WoWDB GameSpot Expert Reviews Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments. Binds when picked up. 0 (2021-06-29): Added. Binds when picked up. Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments Item Level 1 Binds when picked up Unique Cosmetic Binds when picked up Shoulder Requires Level 50 Sell Price: 12 Sinful Inquisitor's Mantle is an appearance unlocked through the use of [Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments] . Sinful Inquisitor's Mantle. Screenshots. Collect the appearances of the Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments armor set. This video shows Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments WoW. Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments - Item - World of Warcraft. Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments - Items - WoWDB WoWDB Database Achievements Character Character Quests Eastern Kingdoms Kalimdor Outland Northrend Cataclysm Pandaria Draenor Legion Battle for Azeroth Shadowlands Exploration Eastern Kingdoms Kalimdor Outland Northrend Cataclysm Pandaria Draenor Legion Battle for Azeroth Shadowlands Cosmetic Binds when picked up Shoulder Requires Level 50 Sell Price: 12 Sinful Inquisitor's Mantle is an appearance unlocked through the use of [Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments] . Ensemble: Sinful Inquisitor's Vestments are sold by Chachi the Artiste in Sinfall for 10000 . Videos. Cosmetic.